Watching the hype about DxO, I thought I should give it a try to process my RAW pictures quickly. Fired up and picked two RAW images from my Nikon 5000 and processed two consecutively shot images with DxO and Photos, respectively. Althought, DxO could process the overall contrast and noise reduction, these changes could be done very easily by me using a couple of sliders in the original Photos app.
I am not a regular Photos user. I use Adobe Lightroom for my initial image processing and DxO turns out to be quite underwhelming. Even a free smartphone app can do what DxO does. Save your money and stick with the native processsing by Photos. DxO is a waste of money right now unless they give more control over the processing of images. For a $9.99 app, it is a joke to get nothing!
brainedge about DxO OpticsPro for Photos